Frequently Asked Questions
Do you care for infants at this center?
Currently, we only offer care for children ages 18 months - 6 years old.
What is the background check process for your staff?
We conduct a comprehensive background check on all prospective employees and frequent visitors. These include:
A county criminal record check for the past seven years performed in all counties that the individual has lived, attended school or worked in.
All supplied references are checked.
A sex offender search.
All state and federal required background checks.
Are all your staff first aid and CPR certified?
Yes. All of our staff are first aid and CPR certified. They also receive regular training that educates them about providing exceptional child care, as well as provides them with the knowledge to recognize and assist any child or adult in distress.

Do you have a playground onsite?
Yes. We have a completely shaded outdoor play-area as well as a designated indoor play-area.
Do you offer part time care at this location?
No, we do not offer part time care at this location.
Are meals provided to children at this center?
Yes. We provide a catered breakfast, lunch and two snacks at our center. Please visit our "about us" page to learn more.

What is your current COVID-19 center policy?
Our highest priority is the health, safety and well-being of everyone in our center. We are following CDC guideline for preschools and have implemented policies that everyone entering our center should abide by:
Daily health and temperature checks will be performed on everyone entering our center.
A face mask is encouraged of everyone entering our center.
As much as possible, please maintain a few feet of distance between yourself and others.
Are you conducting health screening for everyone in your center?
Yes, we are. Everyone in our center must pass a daily health screening before being allowed into the center. This includes daily temperature checks and COVID-19 related screening questions to ensure that anyone entering our center is healthy and safe.
We ask that you stay home if you feel sick or are showing symptoms of being sick. Keep your child at home if they are sick or showing symptoms of being sick. Ensure that you or your child are fever free for 24 hours before returning to the center.
What is your center doing in the classroom to maintain the safety and well-being of all children and staff?
We have put in place safety measures to ensure the health and well being of the children and staff in the classrooms. These include:
Frequent sanitization of classroom equipment and toys.
Frequent hand hygiene is emphasized and encouraged from both staff and children, in the classrooms.
Although difficult to enforce in small children around their friends, social distancing is encouraged.

What are ways that families can assist the center in keeping everyone healthy?
Families can assist us by practicing some healthy habits such as:
Practice frequent hand hygiene for yourself and your family.
Avoid exposing yourself and your family members to people who are sick or have symptoms of being sick.
Put distance between your children and other people outside of your home.
Stay home if you are sick or have any symptom of being sick.
Keep your child at home if they are sick or are showing symptoms of being sick.
How can I apply for a job at this center?
You can apply for a job at NOVA Safe Hands Academy by going to the menu, selecting the job application tab, downloading and filling out an application. Attach a copy of your resume with your application when you send it to us. Contact a member of our team for any questions that you might have about applying for a job or working at NOVA Safe Hands Academy.
How often do you accept children into the center?
Our application process is open all year round. Your child's acceptance into NOVA Safe Hands Academy is dependent on availability of open spaces. If we don't have any open availability at the time of your application, your child will be placed on the wait-list. As spaces become available in our center, families on the wait-list will be contacted first regarding available openings.
More questions or concerns?
Please contact us and someone will assist in answering any inquiries that you have. We look forward to hearing from you.